! After a lot of years of work arrive to the half hundred of seguidore

¡ ! Después de muchos años de trabajo llegamos al medio centenar de seguidores y para agradeceros vuestro apoyo vamos a hacer un Vamos a ir regalando diferentes premios cada semana como cachopos, botellas de vino, tartas e incluso un Como participar: Dale un buen like a la publicación Seguir a la cuenta de @kchopo_elprat Menciona a ese amig@ con el que disfrutaras del premio de Kchopo Cuantas más amig@s menciones en comentarios diferentes más posibilidades Anunciaremos el ganador por historias a través de mi perfil Los ganadores se anunciarán cada domingo de agosto ¡Mucha suerte a tod@s! #Kchopo #kchopoelprat #elprat #elpratdellobregat #comidaasturiana
! After a lot of years of work arrive to the half hundred of followers and to appreciate you your support go to do a Go to go giving different prizes each week like cachopos, bottles of wine, cakes and even a Like taking part: Give him a good like to the publication Follow to the account of @kchopo_elprat Mentions to this amig@ with which enjoyed of the prize of Kchopo Those that more amig@s quotations in different commentaries more possibilities will announce the winner by histories through my profile The winners will announce each Sunday of August A lot of luck to tod@s! #Kchopo #kchopoelprat #elprat #elpratdellobregat #comidaasturiana
! After a lot of years of work arrive to the half hundred of followers and to appreciate you your support go to do a Go to go giving different prizes each week like cachopos, bottles of wine, cakes and even a Like taking part: Give him a good like to the publication Follow to the account of @kchopo_elprat Mentions to this amig@ with which enjoyed of the prize of Kchopo Those that more amig@s quotations in different commentaries more possibilities will announce the winner by histories through my profile The winners will announce each Sunday of August A lot of luck to tod@s! #Kchopo #kchopoelprat #elprat #elpratdellobregat #comidaasturiana
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