! Last week to try this marvel of cachopo of the month Morcilla Cheese

¡ ! Última semana para probar esta maravilla de cachopo del mes Morcilla Queso gouda Manzana asada ¡No os lo perdáis! #Kchopo #kchopoelprat #elprat #elpratdellobregat #guiacachopo #cachopo #cachoposcaseros #comidassturiana
! Last week to try this marvel of cachopo of the month Morcilla Cheese gouda Apple roasted No lose it to you! #Kchopo #kchopoelprat #elprat #elpratdellobregat #guiacachopo #cachopo #cachoposcaseros #comidassturiana
! Last week to try this marvel of cachopo of the month Morcilla Cheese gouda Apple roasted No lose it to you! #Kchopo #kchopoelprat #elprat #elpratdellobregat #guiacachopo #cachopo #cachoposcaseros #comidassturiana
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