The Tuesday had the honour to receive to @gerardromero and @lisbethcid presidents

El martes tuvimos el honor de recibir a @gerardromero y @lisbethcid presidentes de @jijantesfc y @jijantasfc Estuvieron disfrutando de nuestra comida y se convirtió todo en una fiesta ¡Gracias por elegirnos! #Kchopo #jijantesfc #jijantas #kingsleague #queensleague
The Tuesday had the honour to receive to @gerardromero and @lisbethcid presidents of @jijantesfc and @jijantasfc Were enjoying of our lunch and converted everything in a party Thank you for choosing us! #Kchopo #jijantesfc #jijantas #kingsleague #queensleague
The Tuesday had the honour to receive to @gerardromero and @lisbethcid presidents of @jijantesfc and @jijantasfc Were enjoying of our lunch and converted everything in a party Thank you for choosing us! #Kchopo #jijantesfc #jijantas #kingsleague #queensleague - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat

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